In this article I will explain how to preserve or persists data / class objects / variable values across PostBacks in ASP.Net.
This is done by saving the data / class objects / variable in a ViewState object and then fetching it from it whenever needed.
Below is a normal property of a Web User Control
private string _message;
public string Message
        return _message;
        _message = value;
Dim _message As String
 Public Property Message() As String
        Return _message
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
        _message = value
 End Set
End Property

If you use the above properties and set its values only once in Not IsPostback then it will lose its value whenever PostBack occurs.
Thus to avoid we will need to modify the property in the following way
public string Message
        return ViewState["Message"].ToString();
        ViewState["Message"] = value;
Public Property Message() As String
        Return ViewState("Message").ToString()
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
        ViewState("Message") = value
    End Set
End Property

Now the above property will preserve its state across PostBack unless it is reset. This is due the fact that I have replaced the private intermediate variable with ViewState variable.
To make it more elegant and to avoid any NULL object reference exception you can modify the property in the following way
public string Message
        return ViewState["Message"] != null ? ViewState["Message"].ToString() : string.Empty;
        ViewState["Message"] = value;
Public Property Message() As String
            Return IIf(ViewState("Message") IsNot Nothing, ViewState("Message").ToString(), String.Empty)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            ViewState("Message") = value
        End Set
End Property

In the above property I have added NULL check for ViewState object and if the ViewState object is NULL default value is returned.
In similar way you can store anything in ViewState variable including Custom Class Objects. But in order to store a class object you need to first mark it as Serializable using the [Serializable] attribute.