In this article I will explain a step by step tutorial, how to download and install the Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) library.
Downloading the Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007
For installing the Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI), first download the Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 using the following link.
Installing the Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007
Once Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 is downloaded, you need to start the installation. Inside the installer window, click on the Customize Button as shown below.
Next the installer will list down all the installable items.
Inside the Installation Options tab, under Office Tools look for Microsoft Office Document Imaging and select Run all from My Computer from the DropDownList.
Then, expand the Microsoft Office Document Imaging node and select Scanning, OCR and Indexing Service Filter and select Run from My Computer from the DropDownList.
Finally, click on Continue Button. Once the installation is complete, restart your machine for the changes to take effect.