In this article I will explain the steps, how to configure HTTPS for secured ASP.Net Core application.
Configuring HTTPS while developing ASP.Net Core application with its robust modules and features can aid in transmitting data with secured network.
With the increasing popularity of ASP.Net Core, many organizations are considering developing and migrating their applications. Since it offers a secure environment with integrity, data confidentiality, and robust features, organizations can encrypt the data transmitted over the network to enhance the security by configuring HTTPS to application.
This can be achieved via different methods like configuring SSL redirecting HTTP to HTTPS. HTTPS Redirection is one of the ideal components of ASP.Net Core, which is responsible for seamless secured data flow. In addition, you can enable HTTPS support for a development server by following a few steps to get an SSL certificate and ensure the page is tagged to the Web.Config, and more.
To explore security elements for ASP.NET, explore essential factors and detailed procedures to configure HTTP to HTTPS, how to enable SSL, and more.
How to Secure ASP.Net Core with HTTPS?
While developing ASP.NET application often developers enable HTTPS protocol to enhance security measures and eliminate the chances of attacks through man in the middle, cookie spoofing, eavesdropping and more.
In short, it is a redirection middleware method to ensure data is transmitted through a secure network. This process enforces data to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS by utilizing cryptographic mechanisms to maintain data integrity.
Furthermore, redirecting HTTP builds temporary 307 redirect responses and links them with the configured HTTPS port to define the connection path to the endpoint.
Why we need HTTPS to configure the ASP.Net Core?
HTTPS offers a secure environment with integrity, data confidentiality, and robust features, organizations can encrypt the data transmitted over the network to enhance the security by configuring HTTPS to application.
1. Improved Security
HTTPS offers a high level of security by encrypting data that is transmitted between the client and the server system. This feature eliminates potential cyber-attacks like spoofing, stealing, and more.
2. Enhances Trust
By transmitting data securely, through utilizing ASP.Net applications, organizations can improve user effectiveness.
3. Enforces Redirection Method
The application redirects requests for static files from HTTP to HTTPS to ensure only authorized users access the resources.
4. Compliance Requirements
HTTPS is a requirement for a few authentication providers, making compliance essential to meet standards.
5. HSTS Support
Configuring HTTPS enables the application to support HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) seamlessly, ensuring browser send requests over HTTPS for further security measures.
Following can be achieved via configuring SSL redirecting HTTP to HTTPS.
Setting up HTTPS in ASP.Net Core applications
For enabling an SSL certificate and setting up HTTPS in ASP.Net Core application, please follow the steps:
1. Obtaining SSL certificate
To get SSL certificate for ASP.Net applications, follow the below steps to obtain a self-signed certificate.
I. Open the command prompt or terminal, then navigate to the root directory of your ASP.Net application.
II. Run the following command to generate a self-signed certificate.
dotnet dev-certs https -ep certificate.pfx -p password
This step will help configure the certificate file named certificate.pfx with the password.
III. Then, install the certificate on your server and configure SSL to your website for practical usage.
2. Configuring SSL on the website
In order to configuring SSL, open Program.cs file of your ASP.Net Core.
Now, call the UseHttpsRedirection method of the WebApplicationBuilder object.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Enabling MVC
var app = builder.Build();
//Adds middleware for redirecting HTTP Requests to HTTPS
//Configuring Routes
3. Configuring HTTPS in ASP.Net Core application
For configuring HTTPS redirection at the application level to ensure all data transactions are made through a secure channel, add the RequireHttpsAttribute to the Services collection.
By enabling this filter, your application will enforce HTTPS for requests sent to controllers and allow access to static files over an insecure channel.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Enabling MVC
builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
// Adding RequireHttpsAttribute to Filters
options.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());
var app = builder.Build();
//Adds middleware for redirecting HTTP Requests to HTTPS
//Configuring Routes
4. Implementing secured channels for API
To secure API’s communication, it's important to create secure channels prioritizing HTTPS and eliminate chances of risk associated with HTTP utilization.
Use HTTPS: Configure API projects to only listen and respond over HTTPS. This step prevents sensitive information from being transmitted over insecure channels. However, ensure your API endpoints are accessible only through HTTPS.
Disable HTTP Listening: Don’t allow your API to listen on HTTP. Configure your server environment to reject HTTP requests, which returns a status code of 400 without serving the request.
Do not use RequireHttpsAttribute: Avoid using RequireHttpsAttribute for Web APIs that manage sensitive information. This attribute relies on HTTP status codes to redirect browsers from HTTP to HTTPS, which may not be followed by all API clients. Instead, consider server-side configurations to enforce HTTPS.
Final Thoughts
Configuring HTTPS to the ASP.Net Core application encrypts all transmitted data between the browser and the server. Furthermore, this process ensures it does not lead third parties to be more secure than HTTP and mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks.