In this article I will explain with an example, how to configure SQL Server for sending emails from Database.
This article is applicable to following SQL Server versions i.e. 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2022.

Unblocking the sp_send_dbmail Stored Procedure in SQL Server

The very first step is to unblock the Stored Procedure  sp_send_dbmail used for sending emails using SQL Server.
If the Stored Procedure is executed while it is blocked, you will get the following error.
Configure SQL Server for sending emails
To unblock the Stored Procedure, simply copy, paste and execute the following SQL queries.
SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 1
SP_CONFIGURE 'Database Mail XPs', 1
SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 0
Once executed, the following messages will appear which confirms, everything went OK and sp_send_dbmail Stored Procedure is now unblocked.
Configure SQL Server for sending emails

Creating Account for sending emails in SQL Server

The sysmail_add_account_sp Stored Procedure is used to add Account to SQL Server.
This Stored Procedure accepts necessary parameter which contains Mail Server settings as UserName, Password, Port and EnableSsl etc.
Note: It is necessary to use the sender’s email address credentials while defining the Gmail SMTP Server Credentials as the sender’s email address must be same as the Gmail Username specified in credentials.
To create an Account, simply copy, paste, edit (according to your settings) and execute the following SQL query.
Note: Make sure you enter valid Gmail SMTP Server Credentials.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
    @account_name = 'Mudassar_Mail_Account'
   ,@description = 'Send emails using SQL Server Stored Procedure'
   ,@email_address = ''
   ,@display_name = 'Mudassar Ahmed Khan'
   ,@replyto_address = ''
   ,@mailserver_name = ''
   ,@username = ''
   ,@password = 'GMAIL PASSWORD'
   ,@port = 587
   ,@enable_ssl = 1
Note: For complete documentation on sysmail_add_account_sp Stored Procedure, please refer here.

Creating Profile for sending email in SQL Server

The Profile contains information about Account for which the Account needs to be added to a Profile as it is necessary to provide the name of the Profile while sending email using sp_send_dbmail Stored Procedure in SQL Server.
The sysmail_add_profile_sp Stored Procedure is used to create Profile to SQL Server.
To create a profile, simply copy, paste, edit (according to your settings) and execute the following SQL query.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
    @profile_name = 'Mudassar_Email_Profile'
   ,@description = 'Send emails using SQL Server Stored Procedure'
Note: For complete documentation on sysmail_add_profile_sp Stored Procedure, please refer here.

Adding Account to Profile for sending email in SQL Server

The sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp Stored Procedure is used to add Account to Profile.
To add account to profile, simply copy, paste, edit (according to your settings) and execute the following SQL query.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
    @profile_name = 'Mudassar_Email_Profile'
   ,@account_name = 'Mudassar_Mail_Account'
   ,@sequence_number = 1
Note: For complete documentation on sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp Stored Procedure, please refer here.

Sending Email in SQL Server using Stored Procedure

Note: For sending email in SQL Server using Stored Procedure, please refer my article Send Email in SQL Server using Stored Procedure.
