In this article I will explain with an example, how to enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server.
Job Scheduler is controlled by SQL Server Agent and hence in order to use Job Scheduler, SQL Server Agent must be installed in the SQL Server.


Enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server
Following are the reasons for SQL Server Agent not being shown in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
1. SQL Server Agent is not supported by the SQL Server edition.
SQL Server Developer, Standard, Enterprise and Web editions supports SQL Server Agent.
The following query is to verify SQL Server edition in SSMS.

Developer Edition

Enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server

Express Edition

Enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server
Note: SQL Server Express editions do not support SQL Server Agent.
For downloading SQL Server Developer edition, please refer the following URL Download SQL Server.
2. Login account connecting to SSMS is not a part of sysadmin role.
If the Login account connected to SSMS is not a part of sysadmin role in SQL Server, then SQL Server Agent would not be visible.
In order to check whether the Login account belongs to sysadmin role, the following query will be used in SSMS.
If the value is zero, then the logged in user does not belong to sysadmin role and hence you won’t be able to see SQL Server Agent.
Thus, the solution is to log in with user which belongs to sysadmin role in order to use SQL Server Agent.

User login without sysadmin role

Enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server

User login with sysadmin role

Enable Job Scheduler in SQL Server