In this article I will explain with en example, how to create Doughnut Chart using ChartJS in HTML.
The HTML5 Canvas charts have been implemented using Chart.js library to which JSON object is supplied as source of data.

ChartJS plugin

Please refer the following link for documentation for the jQuery Chart plugin.

HTML Markup

The HTML Markup consists of following element:
canvas – For displaying chart.
<canvas id="dvChart"></canvas>

Creating and Displaying the Chart

Implementing Chart plugin

Inside the HTML Markup, the following script files is inherited.
1. jquery.min.js
2. chart.umd.min.js
Inside the jQuery document ready event handler, an Array is created which will hold the JSON objects and the multiple JSON objects are added to the Array.
Each JSONobject comprises of
1. Name - This value will be displayed in legend.
2. Popularity - This value will be used to populate the Doughnutchart.
3. Color – This value will be used to add color to the Doughnutchart.
Then, the PopulateChart JavaScript function is called which accepts two parameters:
1. JSON object – The JSON string received from Server-Side (Code-Behind) is converted to JSON object.
2. Chart type – The type of chart.
PopulateChart JavaScript function
Inside this function, the canvas element is referenced and passed as parameter to the Chart object of the Chart.js library.
Then, type and data is assigned and the data is defined with labels and datasets.
Inside the labels the Name property of the JSON object is set.
For datasets, the following properties i.e data, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth are set.
Note: For more information, please refer the Chart.js documentation: Doughnut Chart documentation.
Finally, the legends are defined and the Chart is populated.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        // Array of Fruits
        var fruits = new Array();
        var fruit = {};
        fruit.Name = "Mango";
        fruit.Popularity = 20;
        fruit.Color = "#FEBD01";
        fruit = {};
        fruit.Name = "Orange";
        fruit.Popularity = 40;
        fruit.Color = "#FF8C00";
        fruit = {};
        fruit.Name = "Peach";
        fruit.Popularity = 55;
        fruit.Color = "#FFCBA6";
        PopulateChart(fruits, 'doughnut');
    function PopulateChart(chartData, chatyType) {
        var dvChart = $('#dvChart');
        var chart = new Chart(dvChart, {
            type: chatyType,
            data: {
                labels: => fruit.Name),
                datasets: [{
                    data: => fruit.Popularity),
                    backgroundColor: => fruit.Color),
                    borderColor: ['#FFF'],
                    borderWidth: 1
           options: {
                plugins: {
                    legend: {
                        labels: {
                            boxWidth: 10, // Width of legend box
                            boxHeight: 10 // Height of legend box
                        display: true, // Show hide legends
                        position: 'right', //'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'
                        align: 'center', // 'start', 'center', 'end'
                        reverse: false // Reverse order


Create Doughnut Chart using ChartJS in HTML


