ASP.Net Interview Questions

ASP.NET is Microsoft's framework to build Web applications.
ASP.Net is based on Client-Server technology the Client being the Browser which sends request and the Server which has the ASP.Net Code executes the request.

Full-Form of ASP is Active Server Pages.

ASP.Net Applications is installed on a Windows Server machine with the help of an Internet Information Services (IIS) application.
ASP.Net is based on Client-Server technology the Client being the Browser which sends request and the Server which has the ASP.Net Code executes the request.

ASP.Net Applications is installed on a Windows Server machine with the help of an Internet Information Services (IIS) application.
ASP.Net is based on Client-Server technology the Client being the Browser which sends request and the Server which has the ASP.Net Code executes the request.

Web.Config is a Web Configuration File. It is basically an XML file containing all the Settings and Database Connection Strings related to the ASP.Net Application.

Yes one can easily connect an ASP.Net Application to Database with the help of .Net Framework and other supporting libraries such as ADO.Net, Entity Framework, etc.

PostBack is an ASP.Net term for Form Submission. When User clicks a Submit Button, the Form data is sent to the Server for processing, this process is called PostBack.

ViewState is used to manage and preserve the State of a Web Page. ViewState data is stored in Hashed Format in a Hidden Field on the Web Page.
ViewState helps preserve the Form Field values across PostBacks.

ViewState is used to manage and preserve the State of a Web Page. ViewState data is stored in Hashed Format in a Hidden Field on the Web Page.
ViewState helps preserve the Form Field values across PostBacks.

Session is used to store User data on Server Side in ASP.Net. Session is User-Specific means the data is not shared and it is unique for each User.

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