I have to read csv file using csvreader in c#. The function able to read the first data but then after read the first data seems like it went out of the while(package.read()) loop.
My csv file data that i want to read start from line 8. I able to read line 8 when want to read line 9 it out of while loop.
<add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />
<add key="inputFileBuild" value="C:\\Users\\source\\repos\\ReadStagingAll\\Test.csv" />
string inputFileBuild = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["inputFileBuild"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Reading Excel File:" + inputFileBuild);
//run the excel reader library
//create a new Excel package in a memorystream
using (var stream = new StreamReader(inputFileBuild)) {
using (var package = new CsvReader(stream, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
int x = 0;
while (package.Read()) {
if (x > 7)
var Name = package.GetField<string>(0);
var Age = package.GetField<string>(1);
var Address = package.GetField<string>(2);
Console.WriteLine(Name + "|" + Age + "|" + Address + "|" + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("The database has been closed!");
Console.WriteLine("The database connection has been disposed!");
Console.WriteLine("Connection State: " + conn.State.ToString());