Here's my data :
seq |
buss_categ |
code |
descr |
abbr |
8 |
Contractor |
10 |
Land Leveler |
Land Lev |
9 |
Contractor |
20 |
Excavator |
Excav |
10 |
Contractor |
30 |
Plumber |
Plumb |
11 |
Contractor |
40 |
Electrician |
Electrician |
12 |
Contractor |
50 |
Concretor |
Concretor |
13 |
Contractor |
60 |
Brick Layer |
Brick Layer |
14 |
Contractor |
70 |
Frame Installer |
Frame Installer |
15 |
Contractor |
80 |
Insulator |
Insulator |
16 |
Contractor |
90 |
Trusses Installer |
Trusses Installer |
17 |
Contractor |
100 |
Roof Tiles Installer |
Roof Tiles Installer |
18 |
Contractor |
110 |
Roof Colourbond Installer |
Roof Colourbond Inst |
19 |
Contractor |
120 |
Land Scaper |
Land Scaper |
41 |
Contractor |
64 |
Tiler |
T |
1050 |
Contractor |
A01 |
Testing |
ad |
and i want it to be sorted by code column .
like A01,10 ,20,30,40,50,60,64,70,80,90,100,110,120
my code column data type is nvarchar , so user can enter any value like ACD-2931 or 12 or anything but when quering results to gridview it must show in the format like i pasted above.