i have few controls which are initally visible false
on say button1 click text1 is visible true
the user enters value in text1
i want the value to be stored insome variable without postback
currently the value get saved in db on save button click(postback)
suppose i have 2 such controls each visible one at at time
so currently i need to click save button click(postback) 2 times for saving each value
so instaed any way by which i can stoore the value on client side or hidden variable without any post back and when the user is done with all the controls click save only once and all the values can be saved
i just check with
http://aspalliance.com/854_Working_with_Collections_in_C listing 10
its on the server side where we can store the values
which is the best option hash table , array list or list class
for storing 2 clumn data