I have a view that opens on a button click and it displays the data from the action that is being called.
Is there a way I can open up the same view with a set of data in a model from a different controller action.
I have all my timesheets opening on my AdminTimeMenu action. I want only the approved timesheets to open in the same view with a different linq set of criteria on the query.
I know I could easily do it like this but I was wondering if I didn’t have to recreate the view.
public async Task<ActionResult> AdminTimeMenu()
var userTimeSheets = (from times in context.TimeSheetMaster
select new TimeSheetMasterModel()
TimeSheetMasterId = times.TimeSheetMasterId,
FromDate = ((DateTime)times.FromDate),
ToDate = ((DateTime)times.ToDate),
TimeSheetStatus = times.TimeSheetStatus,
TotalHours = times.TotalHours,
Comment = times.Comment,
DateCreated = ((DateTime)times.DateCreated),
UserId = times.UserId.ToString(),
IdShortened = times.UserId.Substring(0, 8)
if (userTimeSheets == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(await userTimeSheets.ToListAsync());