I want to get array values in foreach loop for true and false conditions.
when array is not blank then every value of arrays whoese id of collage is come for show added tag of add to shortlist college when user login.
user have multiple college id .. and i want when user come on colleges page then whoese college shrtlist priviousely . he show with right sign ..
and other with cross sign ...
right sign css class added
cross sign css class notaddded
can i take html hidden field in true and false condition of foreach loop..
if (dsddsds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wishtlist_clg"].ToString() != "")
whislist = dsddsds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wishtlist_clg"].ToString().Split(',');
int i = 0;
foreach (string id in whislist)
whislist = {"25","255","412"};
but hiddenfield value blank after condiotions true..