I got the solution for this please find my code below.
string Filter = BuildFilterStringBasedCheckBoxCheck();==> Here I got the filter expression .
if (Filter != string.Empty)
//Filter = Filter + " ORDER BY UnitNumberInteger";(when i add this line i got the error i mentioned above. Now i remove thisa line)
DataTable dtFilter = new DataTable();
DataTable dtMonthlyInvoiceResidentDetailss = new DataTable();
DataRow[] drs = null;
DataRow dr;
dtMonthlyInvoiceResidentDetailss = GetReviewResidentDetails();
dtFilter = dtMonthlyInvoiceResidentDetailss.Clone();
drs = dtMonthlyInvoiceResidentDetailss.Select(Filter, "UnitNumberInteger"); --> this is the correct one in order to order a records based on UnitNumberInteger in filter concept in data table.
foreach (DataRow dr_loopVariable in drs)
dr = dr_loopVariable;