I have set the configuration for S3 bucket in angular but the outcome includes the localhost url as well!
export class UploadComponent {
fileSelected: any = null;
config = {
bucketName: '????',
dirName: 'test', /* optional - when use: e.g BUCKET_ROOT/dirName/fileName.extesion */
region: 'ap-south-1',
accessKeyId: "??????",
secretAccessKey: "??????",
s3Url: 'cfe2.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com'
S3CustomClient: AWSS3UploadAshClient = new AWSS3UploadAshClient(this.config);
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
onChangeFile(event: any) {
this.fileSelected = event.target.files[0]
async handleSendFile() {
await this.S3CustomClient
.uploadFile(this.fileSelected, this.fileSelected.type, undefined,
this.fileSelected.name, "public")
.then((data: UploadResponse) => console.log(data))
.catch((err: any) => console.error(err))
outcome url is:
why is that?