in this given url I want to get username and password from database each time even if i made change in username and password it should reflect in the URL. my code is
static string SendSMS(string msg, string receipietnt, string mask)
string download = "";
string apipart1 = "http://api.smssky.pk/api-send-branded-sms.aspx?username=mskyabc@bizsms.pk&pass=mmmnnu";
string apipart2 = "&text=";
string apipart3 = "&masking=";
string apipart4 = "&destinationnum=";
System.Net.WebClient myWebClient;
myWebClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
download = myWebClient.DownloadString(apipart1 + apipart2 + msg + apipart3 + mask + apipart4 + receipietnt + "&language=English");