I have read an article "Fill in PDF Form Fields Using the Open Source iTextSharp DLL"
How to apply these ideas:
1) a web page load w4 form, people fill it out.
2) Save to a table in database
Here are the codes:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using iTextSharp;
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.xml;
using System.IO;
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ListFieldNames()
string pdfTemplate = @"c:\Temp\PDF\fw4.pdf";
// title the form
this.Text += " - " + pdfTemplate;
// create a new PDF reader based on the PDF template document
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplate);
// create and populate a string builder with each of the
// field names available in the subject PDF
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in pdfReader.AcroFields.Fields)
sb.Append(de.Key.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
// Write the string builder's content to the form's textbox
textBox1.Text = sb.ToString();
textBox1.SelectionStart = 0;
string pdfTemplate = @"c:\Temp\PDF\fw4.pdf";
string newFile = @"c:\Temp\PDF\completed_fw4.pdf";
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplate);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileStream(newFile, FileMode.Create));
AcroFields pdfFormFields = pdfStamper.AcroFields;
// set form pdfFormFields
// The first worksheet and W-4 form
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_01(0)", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_02(0)", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_03(0)", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_04(0)", "8");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_05(0)", "0");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_06(0)", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_07(0)", "16");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_08(0)", "28");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_09(0)", "Franklin A.");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_10(0)", "Benefield");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_11(0)", "532");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_12(0)", "12");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_13(0)", "1234");
// The form's checkboxes
pdfFormFields.SetField("c1_01(0)", "0");
pdfFormFields.SetField("c1_02(0)", "Yes");
pdfFormFields.SetField("c1_03(0)", "0");
pdfFormFields.SetField("c1_04(0)", "Yes");
// The rest of the form pdfFormFields
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_14(0)", "100 North Cujo Street");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_15(0)", "Nome, AK 67201");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_16(0)", "9");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_17(0)", "10");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_18(0)", "11");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_19(0)", "Walmart, Nome, AK");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_20(0)", "WAL666");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_21(0)", "AB");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f1_22(0)", "4321");
// Second Worksheets pdfFormFields
// In order to map the fields, I just pass them a sequential
// number to mark them; once I know which field is which, I
// can pass the appropriate value
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_01(0)", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_02(0)", "2");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_03(0)", "3");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_04(0)", "4");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_05(0)", "5");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_06(0)", "6");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_07(0)", "7");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_08(0)", "8");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_09(0)", "9");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_10(0)", "10");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_11(0)", "11");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_12(0)", "12");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_13(0)", "13");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_14(0)", "14");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_15(0)", "15");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_16(0)", "16");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_17(0)", "17");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_18(0)", "18");
pdfFormFields.SetField("f2_19(0)", "19");
// report by reading values from completed PDF
string sTmp = "W-4 Completed for " + pdfFormFields.GetField("f1_09(0)") + " " + pdfFormFields.GetField("f1_10(0)");
MessageBox.Show(sTmp, "Finished");
// flatten the form to remove editting options, set it to false
// to leave the form open to subsequent manual edits
pdfStamper.FormFlattening = false;
// close the pdf