Hi everyone
Happy New year 2022 first, wish you all the best in this year.
Can someone help me with this, how to make to check the path exists in registry editor and if not exist create folder and keys default path = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EU Outsourcing\EasyXLS Trial for .NET\ folder = (the folder that is created inside) 8.6.0 Inside folder 8.6.0 will create keys: - (Default) - REG_SZ - Value is empty - Install - REG_SZ - 27475 (option to increase this number +1 everytime when create the files) - InstallPath - REG_SZ - C:\EasyXLS - Key - REG_SZ - UXZ63-JP6M7-8G81B-?49?Y-NB63Z-80N?8-0DBGI-84E71-LD78A-CM - RunTime - REG_SZ - 0
Private Sub CheckExistPath()
If Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\EU Outsourcing\EasyXLS Trial for .NET\8.6.0") Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("Path not exist")
MsgBox("Path exist")
End If
End Sub