How to save and send email at the same time after submit form?
I tried to edit the code from previous sample but it didn't work. There is no error display just the email is not send.
So here is my controller part.
public ActionResult AddDetail(MaterialDetail Imodel)
string id2;
string id = db.Requesters.Max(x => x.Requester_id);
if (id == null)
id2 = "FY21_001";
string NewID = id.Split('_')[1];
id2 = "FY21_" + (int.Parse(NewID) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
TempData["id2"] = id2;
var EmailBody = "<p>Hi Team,</p>" +
"Please take note on the below material requested. <br/><br/>";
///save data into Requester table
Requester model = new Requester();
model.Requester_id = id2;
model.req_name = Imodel.req_name;
model.address = Imodel.address;
model.phone = Imodel.phone;
model.req_date = DateTime.Now;
model.status = "New";
model.aprrove = false;
model.remark = Imodel.remark;
EmailBody += "Requester : " + model.req_name + "<br/>";
EmailBody += "Address : " + model.address + "<br/>";
EmailBody += "phone : " + model.phone + "<br/>";
EmailBody += "Request Date : " + model.req_date + "<br/><br/>";
EmailBody += "Remark (if any) : " + model.remark + "<br/><br/>";
string subject = "Material Request - " + model.req_date;
///save data into Material_Item table
for (int i = 0; i < Imodel.MaterialDetails.Count; i++)
Material_Item item = new Material_Item();
item.Requester_id = id2;
item.req_quantity = Imodel.MaterialDetails[i].Quantity;
item.req_material = Imodel.MaterialDetails[i].MaterialName;
EmailBody += "<tr>";
EmailBody += "<td>" + item.req_material + "</td>";
EmailBody += "<td>" + item.req_quantity + "</td>";
EmailBody += "</tr>";
EmailBody += "</table>";
EmailBody += " Thank you.</ p > ";
string EmailFrom = "Customer_order@gmail.com";
EmailService(EmailFrom, subject, EmailBody);
/////minus quantity from iventory(MaterialList table)
MaterialList list = db.MaterialLists.Where(y => y.Material == item.req_material).FirstOrDefault();
if (list != null)
list.Mat_Quantity = list.Mat_Quantity - item.req_quantity;
catch (Exception)
return RedirectToAction("FormRequest", "Home");
public void EmailService(string EmailFrom, string subject, string body)
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
var query = db.admin_detail.ToList();
foreach (var item in query)
message.From = new MailAddress(EmailFrom, "Customer Order");
message.Subject = subject;
message.Body = body;
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();