I have 3 div tags on my Web page. I will like to learn how to make ONLY the middle div tag to be scrollable, while the left and right div tags will be fixed.
So that when user scrolls the Web page, the middle div tag will scroll. Just like we have in social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
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<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Font-Size="13pt" Text="" >SAMUEL VICTOR</asp:Label><hr />
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<asp:TextBox ID="Textsearch" runat="server" Text="" Width="100%" CssClass="form-control" Font-Size="10pt"
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<h3 id="heading">User Profile</h3>
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<asp:Image ID="imgFile" runat="server" Width="120" Height="120" />
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<asp:Label ID="LblprofileName" runat="server" Text="John Tom"></asp:Label>
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<img src="images/navicon/locatn.png" height="17" /> <asp:Label ID="location" runat="server" Text="Southern Region"></asp:Label>
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<label id="storylbl" runat="server">It's our privilege to have you all in this Noble group.
I strongly believe that every one of us have dreams and aspirations in life but we all need a
Vehicle to take us to where we are going.</label>
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<asp:Label ID="lblheadline" runat="server" Text="Headlines"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblhistory" runat="server" Text="activities history"></asp:Label>
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<asp:Label ID="desclbl" runat="server" Text="Graphic Designer"></asp:Label>
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<br />
<label id="Label2" runat="server">
It's our privilege to have you all in this Noble group.
I strongly believe that every one of us have dreams and aspirations in life but we all need a
Vehicle to take us to where we are going.</label>
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<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/NBA-2K14-Free.jpeg" Height="150" />
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<asp:Image ID="Image2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/NBA-2K14.jpg" Height="150" />
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<asp:Image ID="profileImage" ImageUrl="~/images/NBA-2K14.jpg" runat="server" Width="30" Height="30" />
<asp:Label ID="prolbl" runat="server" Text="Samuel Victor"></asp:Label>
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