The above query is working fine ...
But i need the below
1. I need Row and Column of this Pivot
2. How to add where condition like TotalAmount is not null
My Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ShoppingDetail](
[CustomerName] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,
[ProductCategory] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,
[TotalAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,
[Total Value] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
[Date] [date] NULL
Table Data
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Roy Martin', N'Clothing', CAST(2967.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(1500.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-10' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Roy Martin', N'Accessories', CAST(2458.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(2500.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-10' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Roy Martin', N'Bikes', CAST(52478.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), NULL, CAST(N'2019-12-10' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Caitlin C Watson', N'Clothing', CAST(3289.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(4000.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-11' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Caitlin C Watson', N'Bikes', CAST(75769.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(5000.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-14' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Taylor Torres', N'Clothing', CAST(2875.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(7000.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-14' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Taylor Torres', N'Accessories', CAST(6567.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(6500.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-10' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Taylor Torres', N'Bikes', CAST(46897.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(3200.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), CAST(N'2019-12-11' AS Date))
INSERT [dbo].[ShoppingDetail] ([CustomerName], [ProductCategory], [TotalAmount], [Total Value], [Date]) VALUES (N'Taylor Torres', N'Clothing', CAST(15783.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)), NULL, CAST(N'2019-12-14' AS Date))
Dynamic Pivot Query for Date column is working fine.
DECLARE @SQLStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold t-sql query
DECLARE @UniqueCustomersToPivot NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold unique customers to be used in PIVOT clause
DECLARE @PivotColumnsToSelect NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold pivot column names with alias to be used in SELECt clause
--Extarct unique customer names with pivot formattings
SELECT @UniqueCustomersToPivot = @UniqueCustomersToPivot + ', [' + COALESCE( REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(11), Date, 106),' ','-'), '') + ']' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Date] FROM dbo.ShoppingDetail)DT
SELECT @UniqueCustomersToPivot = LTRIM(STUFF(@UniqueCustomersToPivot, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
--Generate column names to be put in SELECT list with NULL handling and aliases also
SELECT @PivotColumnsToSelect = @PivotColumnsToSelect + ', ISNULL([' + COALESCE( REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(11), Date, 106),' ','-') , '') + '], 0) AS [' + REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(11), Date, 106),' ','-') + ']'
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Date] FROM dbo.ShoppingDetail)DT
--Generate dynamic PIVOT query here
SET @SQLStatement =
N'SELECT CustomerName,ProductCategory '
+ @PivotColumnsToSelect +
FROM dbo.ShoppingDetail
SUM(TotalAmount) FOR
[Date] IN
(' + @UniqueCustomersToPivot + ')
) AS PVT Order By CustomerName
--Execute the dynamic t-sql PIVOT query below
EXEC (@SQLStatement)