I Managed to figure it out.
SELECT CapturedDateTime AS DateCaptured,
t.StockCode, ISNULL(i.LongDesc, '') AS LongDesc,
-- if blnShowInKg Then
AVG(t.PartWeightGram) / 1000 AS 'PartWeightAverage',
AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 1000 AS 'SprueWeightAverage',
AVG(t.BomWeightKG) AS 'BomWeightAverage',
((AVG(t.PartWeightGram) + (AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 2)) / 1000) - AVG(t.BomWeightKG) AS 'VarianceToSysproAverage',
-- Else
AVG(t.PartWeightGram) AS 'PartWeightAverage',
AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) AS 'SprueWeightAverage',
AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000) AS 'BomWeightAverage',
(AVG(t.PartWeightGram) + (AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 2)) - AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000) AS 'VarianceToSysproAverage',
--End if
AVG(t.TolerancePercentage) AS TolerancePercentageAverage,
((AVG(t.PartWeightGram) + (AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 2)) - AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000)) / AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000) * 100 AS VarianceToSysproPctAverage,
CASE WHEN ABS(((AVG(t.PartWeightGram) + (AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 2)) - AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000)) / AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000) * 100) > AVG(t.TolerancePercentage)
THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS IsOutOfSpecAverage
SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY c1.StockCode ORDER BY c1.CapturedDateTime DESC, c1.ComponentWeightCheckID DESC) AS RecordRank,
c1.ComponentWeightCheckID, c1.StockCode, c1.PartWeightGram, c1.SprueWeightGram, c1.BomWeightKG, c1.TolerancePercentage, c1.CapturedDateTime, c1.IsOutOfSpec
FROM tblComponentWeightCheck c1
LEFT OUTER JOIN Mercury.EncoreCompanyA.dbo.BomStructure b1 ON b1.ParentPart = c1.StockCode
WHERE c1.Deleted = 0
AND b1.Route = '0'
AND c1.CapturedDateTime BETWEEN ISNULL(b1.StructureOnDate, c1.CapturedDateTime) AND ISNULL(b1.StructureOffDate, c1.CapturedDateTime)
AND b1.Component = @Material
AND c1.StockCode IN (SELECT c2.StockCode
FROM tblComponentWeightCheck c2
LEFT OUTER JOIN Mercury.EncoreCompanyA.dbo.BomStructure b2 ON b2.ParentPart = c2.StockCode
WHERE c2.Deleted = 0
AND b2.Route = '0'
AND c2.CapturedDateTime BETWEEN ISNULL(b2.StructureOnDate, c2.CapturedDateTime) AND ISNULL(b2.StructureOffDate, c2.CapturedDateTime)
AND b2.Component = @Material
--optional: if date range entered
AND CONVERT(DATE, c2.CapturedDateTime) BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
GROUP BY StockCode
HAVING COUNT(c2.ComponentWeightCheckID) >= 10)
--optional: if date range entered
AND CONVERT(DATE, c1.CapturedDateTime) BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
) t
LEFT OUTER JOIN Mercury.EncoreCompanyA.dbo.InvMaster i ON i.StockCode = t.StockCode
WHERE t.RecordRank <= 10
GROUP BY t.StockCode, ISNULL(i.LongDesc, '')
--optional: if out of spec only selected
HAVING CASE WHEN ABS(((AVG(t.PartWeightGram) + (AVG(t.SprueWeightGram) / 2)) - AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000)) / AVG(t.BomWeightKG * 1000) * 100) > AVG(t.TolerancePercentage) THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END = 'True'
ORDER BY StockCode