hi all,
i have a small assistance on my project code.
i have developed mobile website for asp.net with c#.
i have used to developed one mobile website, which is have an one registration page on this website. In this page i have an option for choose your country( which i stored country build in drop down) by defualt i have set it to 5oo country's.
the moment i just want to ask you that,
the requested registration page have a choose your country,by this i wanted to look up the country for "poland" in this option without any scroll down key, i just wnat to get the country quiet quickly using search.
the problem is i can used to search particular country in to the browser like firefox or IE, chrome but the same is not in search mobile devices like samsung, iphone etc...
so my problem is how do i used to create search option within the drop down on mobile website
please have you look at my website below
firefox or IE, chrome used below url,
mobile device used to see below url
please kindly look up my problem above and drop a solution for me
thanks to advance..