how to add morris chart in c#
$(function () {
var line = new Morris.Line({
element: 'line-chart',
resize: true,
data: [
{ y: '2012-02-24', Points: 8},
{ y: '2012-02-25', Points: 7 },
{ y: '2012-02-25', Points: 6 },
{ y: '2012-02-26', Points: 5 },
{ y: '2012-02-26', Points: 3 },
{ y: '2012-02-26', Points: 7 },
{ y: '2012-02-26', Points: 8 },
{ y: '2012-02-28', Points: 2 },
{ y: '2012-02-28', Points: 3 },
{ y: '2012-02-30', Points: 3 }
xkey: 'y',
ykeys: ['Points'],
labels: ['Points '],
lineColors: ['#3c8dbc'],
hideHover: 'auto'
want to add morris chart values dyanmically from codebehiind
DataSet ds1 = sql.getds("select task.task_title,task_performance.totalpoints,convert(varchar(20),date,113) as date from task_performance join task on task.task_id=task_performance.task_id where user_id='" + Session["iduser"].ToString() + "' and date between '" + txtfrom.Text + "' and '" + txtto.Text + "'");