I am trying to pass parameter to sp in an MVC controller.
The stored procedure has a parameter that return a table from a string like 's1,s2,s3' (i have a Split Function in database).
In Sql works fine but in my project i get model with no entities
when i select the checkboxes that represent the multifilter i have no result
I create a comma separated string when user checks the checkboxes that represent the product lines and then i use that string as parameter in stored procedure.
i have a sp that works like
select * from tab where produtLine In (select value from dbo.Split(COALESCE(@Linea,"xxxx", ",")...etc
the code in c# works but when i try to pass as Line Line1,Line2..etc I recive no result
the code
public ActionResult Index(String cliente, int ? anno, String [] linea, String tipoDati )
String Codage = "000";
tipoDati = "Ordini";
string lineeSelezionate = null;
cliente = cliente == "cliente" ? null : cliente;
if (linea != null)
foreach (var item in linea)
lineeSelezionate += item + ",";
lineeSelezionate = "'" + lineeSelezionate.Substring(0, lineeSelezionate.Length - 1) + "'";
IEnumerable<OrdineMeseLineaView> model;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cliente) && anno == null && linea == null)
model = new List<OrdineMeseLineaView> { new OrdineMeseLineaView
{ Linea = "", Gen = 0, Feb = 0, Mar = 0, Apr = 0, Mag = 0, Giu = 0,
Lug = 0, Ago = 0, Set = 0, Ott = 0, Nov = 0, Dic = 0,Tot=0}
model = db.Database.
SqlQuery<OrdineMeseLineaView>("dbo.PivotOrdiniMeseLineaSp @p0, @p1,@p2, @p3",
(object)cliente ?? DBNull.Value,
(object)anno ?? DBNull.Value,
(object)lineeSelezionate ?? DBNull.Value).ToList();
return View(model);