i am selecting row from gridview, then exception is coming that is There is not row at position 0
In row following item name is coming which is below mentioned and populating in gridivew.
Adult Sleeveless Jacket B |
Line 281: string SesnId1 = dm.GetData("select SecID from dbo.Sections where Secnam='" + GVPrd.SelectedRow.Cells[11].Text.Trim() + "'").Rows[0][0].ToString();
Line 282:
Line 283: string SesnId2 = dm.GetData("select Codeitem from dbo.ItemMasterFile where Descriptionitem=replace(REPLACE('" + GVPrd.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim() + "','amp;',''),''','''')").Rows[0][0].ToString();
Line 284: DDSecbas.SelectedValue = SesnId1;
Line 285: ddpitem.SelectedValue = SesnId2;
Please guide