Hi smile,
Please refer below sql query.
CREATE TABLE tblDefSubjects
[SubjectId] [int] ,
[SubjectName] [varchar](50)
INSERT INTO tblDefSubjects VALUES (201,'English')
INSERT INTO tblDefSubjects VALUES (202,'Urdu')
INSERT INTO tblDefSubjects VALUES (203,'Math')
CREATE TABLE tblTestSystem
AdmissionNo INT,
ClassID INT,
SubjectID INT,
RoundID INT,
Marks INT,
TotalMarks INT,
TestDate VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,201,1,5,10,'1/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,201,1,7,10,'1/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,201,1,8,10,'1/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,202,1,6,10,'2/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,202,1,2,10,'2/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,202,1,5,10,'2/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,203,1,9,10,'3/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,203,1,8,10,'3/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,203,1,6,10,'3/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,201,2,5,10,'4/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,201,2,7,10,'4/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,201,2,8,10,'4/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,202,2,6,10,'5/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,202,2,2,10,'5/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,202,2,5,10,'5/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,203,2,9,10,'6/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,203,2,8,10,'6/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,203,2,6,10,'6/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,201,3,5,10,'7/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,201,3,7,10,'7/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,201,3,8,10,'7/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,202,3,6,10,'8/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,202,3,2,10,'8/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,202,3,5,10,'8/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(1,101,203,3,9,10,'9/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(2,101,203,3,8,10,'9/3/2023')
INSERT INTO tblTestSystem VALUES(3,101,203,3,6,10,'9/3/2023')
SELECT t1.admissionno,t1.classid,CONCAT(t2.SubjectName,'(',t1.TotalMarks,')') AS subjectid,t1.roundid,t1.marks,t1.totalmarks,t1.testdate INTO tblTestSystem2 FROM tblTestSystem t1 join tblDefSubjects t2 ON t2.SubjectId = t1.SubjectID
SELECT @ColumnName2 = ISNULL(@ColumnName2 + ',','')+ QUOTENAME(SubjectID) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT SubjectID FROM tblTestSystem2 ) AS FeesHead
SET @DynamicPivotQuery2 = '
SELECT RoundID,fa.AdmissionNo,Marks,SubjectID,ClassID
,(SELECT SUM(tsm.Marks) FROM tblTestSystem2 tsm where tsm.AdmissionNo = fa.AdmissionNo AND tsm.RoundID = fa.RoundID ) as Obtain
,(SELECT SUM(tsm.TotalMarks) FROM tblTestSystem2 tsm where tsm.AdmissionNo = fa.AdmissionNo AND tsm.RoundID = fa.RoundID) as Total
FROM tblTestSystem2 as fa
SELECT AdmissionNo,ClassID,RoundID,'+@ColumnName2+',Obtain,Total FROM CTE
FOR SubjectID IN('+@ColumnName2+')) p order by AdmissionNo asc'
AdmissionNo |
ClassID |
RoundID |
English(10) |
Math(10) |
Urdu(10) |
Obtain |
Total |
1 |
101 |
1 |
5 |
9 |
6 |
20 |
30 |
1 |
101 |
2 |
5 |
9 |
6 |
20 |
30 |
1 |
101 |
3 |
5 |
9 |
6 |
20 |
30 |
2 |
101 |
1 |
7 |
8 |
2 |
17 |
30 |
2 |
101 |
2 |
7 |
8 |
2 |
17 |
30 |
2 |
101 |
3 |
7 |
8 |
2 |
17 |
30 |
3 |
101 |
1 |
8 |
6 |
5 |
19 |
30 |
3 |
101 |
2 |
8 |
6 |
5 |
19 |
30 |
3 |
101 |
3 |
8 |
6 |
5 |
19 |
30 |