Hi Developers,
How can i move second image to right side corner.
I have created html to pdf design, for the design everything is ok. But i am not able to move second image to right side.
kindly verify the below code and give your suggestions.
// Logo
PdfPTable tableLogo = new PdfPTable(2);
// add a image
iTextSharp.text.Image jpgFASTagLog = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(@"D:\IndusInd\Application\2021\March\pdf-today\ETC_BankAdmin\ETC_BankAdmin\Content\img\Bank_Logo\lg_Fastag-logo.png");
PdfPCell imageCellFASTagLog = new PdfPCell(jpgFASTagLog);
imageCellFASTagLog.Border = 0;
iTextSharp.text.Image jpgBankLogo = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(@"D:\IndusInd\Application\2021\March\pdf-today\ETC_BankAdmin\ETC_BankAdmin\Content\img\Bank_Logo\IndusInd_Resize.png");
//jpgBankLogo.ScaleAbsolute(200, fixedHeight);
jpgBankLogo.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
jpgBankLogo.Right = 500;
PdfPCell imageCellBankLogo = new PdfPCell(jpgBankLogo);
imageCellBankLogo.Border = 0;
imageCellBankLogo.Left = 200;
// add a image
Thanks and Regards,