i have one ajax call In that by using url and params i need to get display relevant content on form
headers: { "Authorization": "Token 04f7a4e33a692196c39ef9ba54c53459c9a9b25b" },
{ "Email": "VgHyLXtAgFUcHK2G4E4aPLnHgLejklWh75KLICwam5o=" },
Url: https://enteryour api
I am not getting any idea how to get data by using 3 params
Could you plase help me
function binddailyupdatedata() {
async: true,
type: 'Post',
url: "Enterrelevanturl",
content: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
processData: true,
{ "Email": "VgHyLXtAgFUcHK2G4E4aPLnHgLejklWh75KLICwam5o=" },
headers: {
"Authorization": "Token 04f7a4e33a692196c39ef9ba54c53459c9a9b25b"
success: function (result) {
error: function (e, t) {
alert("some thing error while fecteching")
On loading of page i need to display success alert message
Note: email value already i stored in one session variable
I have encrtypted that value
Ex:Session["Email"] = user.Email;
could you please help me