hi see below image:
as you see there is gridview that I define linkbutton when click on linkbutton it will add number from gridview into textbox that show with red arrow...
below is code of Linkbutton:
protected void LBaddNumberG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string numbers = string.Empty;
GridViewRow row = (sender as LinkButton).NamingContainer as GridViewRow;
numbers = (row.FindControl("Lblmobile") as Label).Text.Trim();
TxtPhone.Text = numbers.Trim() + Environment.NewLine + TxtPhone.Text;
now see below image:
here I add one number from gridview into text box as you see in above image I define label (blue arrow) that I want define that it display count of number that I add to textbox in above image it should display 1
now in above image I add 2 number to textbox I want in label that I show with blue arrow it shows (2)...
how I can define that in label it shows count of number that I add to textbox?
best regards