Greeting Everyone
I am trying to Export DataTable to excel using ClosedXML and one of the column in Microsoft SQL is date.
When date column is exported using (dd/mm/yyyy) format the excel does not pick as date until the cell is clicked.
Also the sql command and code used are
Select FORMAT(DateOfBirth, 'dd/MM/yyyy') as 'DATE OF BIRTH' from User
Using wb As New XLWorkbook()
Dim ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(dt, "Employee")
ws.Table(0).ShowAutoFilter = False ' Disable AutoFilter.
ws.Table(0).Theme = XLTableTheme.None ' Remove Theme.
ws.Columns().AdjustToContents() ' Resize all columns.
ws.Column("B").Style.DateFormat.Format = "dd/MMM/yyyy"
'' I have tried both (1 at a time) but same issue