thans a lot for your reply.
I achieved the effect anyhow by just changing the image to a greyed out button on click on client side and on server sideeventat the end of the event code i changed the image back to the origina image.
That workedfor me like a click effect since client click greys out the image and server click event returns to original event.. So the execution time betwen these to even though very short gave the desired click effect somehow.
function imgGreyEC() {
$('#<%=ImageButtonEndcall.ClientID %>').attr("src", "images/endcallGrey.png");
return true;
<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButtonEndcall" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/end-call-32.ico" OnClick="ImageButtonEndcall_Click" OnClientClick="imgGreyEC();"/>
Protected Sub ImageButtonEndcall_Click(sender As Object, e As ImageClickEventArgs)
'your code to be executed first
ImageButtonEndcall.ImageUrl = "images/end-call-32.ico"
End Sub
Code on load event:
ImageButtonEndcall.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='images/endcallHover.png' ")
ImageButtonEndcall.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='images/end-call-32.ico' ")
Normal Image Button with a mouseover and mouseout event onload .
Since image buttons dont have click effect i changed the image to a greyed out image onclient click andon theserver once the click event code was done executng i changed the image back tooriginal image.
So for a second the image greys out giving the click efect.
Thank you for your replies