Hello Forum,
I want to find out if a dashboard is used in showcasing admin's activities on a website, and if it is used in order to avoid other admin to see what the other is doing?
Because I want to create something where an admin who creates user's will be the only person to see what he or she is doing; no other admin will be able to see what the other admin is doing. And if for example admin A signs up or logs in that admin will be able the only person to do whatever he or she wants on his space.
I have a grid view/dashboard on my web form. On this gridview/dashboard is where I want admins to create, update or delete sub-users.
I also want a situation where admins will not be able to view, update or delete any user where he or she did not create. For example if admin A creates user Q, it is only admin A that will have access to user Q to either update or delete the user. No other admin will be able to do so.