Hello all,
I have a C# WPF application that I log into and I pass the user to the next screen. Then I click to go to a profile screen and if the user already has profile data I autopopulate all the fields. In my profile screen I have it so when you set the combobox to ‘Yes’ it creates the customer in the database. When you click the save button it just updates all the data. When I load the controls it sets the combobox to ‘Yes’ and it tries to recreate the customer in the DB. I get a error: “Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key into DB…” I would like to check if the user already exists in the DB and if it does so it WILL NOT create a new customer so this error will not be thrown. Or any other way to get around this. Not sure if I should check for this specific error and just console.log it or any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.
//combobox selectionchanged when ‘yes’ add new customer
private void CboCustomer_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
string cboValue = "";
if (CboCustomer.SelectedIndex > 0)
cboValue = ((ComboBoxItem)CboCustomer.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
if(cboValue.Equals("Yes")) // || if (CboCustomer.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Yes"))
boolIsCustomer = true;
User addCustomer = null;
Customer newCustomer = null;
//MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Updating database to customer status.",
// "Customer Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
//if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
if (currentUser.IsCustomer == true)
Customer custTestID = UsersDB.ReadCustomerById(currentUser.UserID);
if(currentUser.UserID == custTestID.UserID)
addCustomer = new User(currentUser.UserID, currentUser.Username,
currentUser.Password, currentUser.IsAdmin, currentUser.UserCreatedDate, boolIsCustomer);
newCustomer = new Customer(currentUser.UserID, currentUser.Username, TextboxLastName.Text,
TextboxAddress.Text, TextboxCity.Text, null,
TextboxZip.Text, TextEmailAddress.Text);
catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); }
{ //UPDATE User so 'IsCustomer' property is set to True.
addCustomer = new User(currentUser.UserID, currentUser.Username, currentUser.Password,
currentUser.IsAdmin, currentUser.UserCreatedDate, boolIsCustomer);
//CREATE Customer from current User linking together by 'UserId'
newCustomer = new Customer(currentUser.UserID, currentUser.Username, TextboxLastName.Text,
TextboxAddress.Text, TextboxCity.Text, null, TextboxZip.Text,
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); }