Hi all,
i am designing a web site for online test..
Here I have, two types of Questions,
1. Textual Questions, and
2. Second type is Image based Question..
My database design is like below
QID,Question,OptionA1,OptionA2,OptionB1,OptionB2,OptionC1,OptionC2,OptionD1,OptionD2,Correct option
here OptionA1, OptionB1, etc., contains Textual options...
same way OptionA2, OptionB2, etc., contains Image based options
here i am able to generate Random ID by using below SQL Query..
Select QID from Table_Name order by NEWID();
I am using asp.net 3.5, c# and SQL server..
My Question is how can generate random questions at the time of taking test..
Q1 - should be with Textual options
Q2 - should be with Image options