AnandM says:
Can you explain in more breif about requirement with an example how your code is working currently and how you are excepting it to work.
see code that I put in question will cath from site that I can put it in website and see video from that site... this code is stable for all video just below code is variable
data[W]=640 and this is width of video that will display in website now here I define textbox that users can enter this code and save it to database and in otherpage I will show this video...
in show.aspx page I define lable that bind it from database that will bind this code:
<div id="14921567137600375"><script type="text/JavaScript" src="[rnddiv]=14921567137600375&data[w]=640"></script></div>
and will display video
now problem is this video will display in size that is in this code:
I want change this size when users want insert it into database becuse I want show all video in fixed size that I define i.e
so I want define code that when users typed code and want insert into database it will change
data[w]=640 to data[w]=300
and as I told data[w]=640 is variable maybe some users will select video with data[w]=290 or other thing
so I want it replace data[w]="with any number" with data[w]=300
I hope I can explain clearly...
best regards