Hi all,
i am facing some database daily routine issues. in my case i have two servers with two different databases tables.like,
Under 'SOURCESERVER' i have database name 'SOURCEDATABASE', in this database i have 3 tables like 'SOURCEDB1', 'SOURCEDB2', 'SOURCEDB3'.
Under 'DESTINATIONSERVER' i have database name 'DESTINATIONDATABASE' in this database i have 2 tables like 'DESTINATIONDB1',
by using above database tables i want to copy 'SOURCEDB1' values in to 'DESTINATIONDB1' and from 'SOURCEDB2' 3 columns and
'SOURCEDB3' 2 columns in to 'DESTINATIONDB2'.
my query is every day without doing any user access i want delete 'DESTINATIONDB1' and'DESTINATIONDB2' tables data and copy data from 'SOURCEDATABASE' tables in daily morning 8'O Clock.
How should i reach the above query.
Thanks in advance