For example let's use this forum for example .we have many users here OK. if you login I want you to only see the button edit, So let's say there is a landing page ones you login and land on the landing page, then when I click on any profile image of users in landing page I navigate to profile page then am allowed to see only Add button , but if I click on my own profile on landing page when I navigate to profile page I can only see edit button not add button. So the summary of it is , the website that has to pages , one for landing page after login the the other one is profile page . So if you land on the landing page after login if you click on my photo when it will redirect you to profile page ,there you can only see add button while edit button is hidden ,you can only see edit button if you clicked on your image .You did something like this before on this forum ,I think it's about adding favorite books but if you can use that example to add this it will help.