I have 3 different action methods in same controller, which have three different json result.
i want to display all 3 action method data in to single view.
How can i display all 3 action method result in to single page.
public IActionResult GetProvider(PersonalDetailsParams provider)
AccountApiCall accountApiCall = new AccountApiCall(Configuration["PrescriptionAPI"]);
var Response = accountApiCall.PostAPIcall<GetProviderPersonalModel>(provider, "provider/personaldetailsget", HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Token"].ToString());
return Json(Response);
public IActionResult GetProviderSpecialities(PersonalDetailsParams provider)
AccountApiCall accountApiCall = new AccountApiCall(Configuration["PrescriptionAPI"]);
var Response = accountApiCall.PostAPIcall<GetProviderSpecialityModel>(provider, "provider/specialityget", HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Token"].ToString());
return Json(Response);
public IActionResult ListDocument(PatientSearchModel model)
ProviderViewModel modelprovider = new ProviderViewModel();
if (HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Token"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Token"].ToString()))
model.Start = 0;
model.PageSize = model.PageSize > 0 ? model.PageSize : 10;
if (model.UserID == "" || model.UserID == null)
model.UserID = Convert.ToString(TempData["ProviderId"]).ToUpper();
AccountApiCall accountApiCall = new AccountApiCall(Configuration["PrescriptionAPI"]);
var Response = accountApiCall.PostAPIcall<ProviderGetDocumentModel>(model, "provider/documentlist", HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Token"].ToString());
// modelprovider.ManagaePrimary = Response;
return Json(Response);
return RedirectToAction("AddProvider", "Provider");
public class GetProviderPersonalModel
public bool status { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }
public ProviderPersonaGet data { get; set; }
my result will be bind in to these type of class , and i want to bind all these three action method result in my view