Hello forum,
I know this topic has been going on for a while, but pleas I just need to get this straight:
Please let me give you a brief detail of how my design looks like; please help me check if it's a standard design.
It goes like this:
I want to have 2 parts in my website: the customer and the owner. The owner is myself and some of my staff sites. While the customer part will be for users of the site who want to use our service. The customer part will have the homepage (where anybody can view), customer login and signup, and other pages where services will be rendered, after customer logs in.
Then my owner's part will contain webpages like my owner's page, owner's login page, new staffs registration page and management page where I will be in charge of overseeing everything. Then in the management page, I will allow access to some top staff members to be able to add new staffs after they are employed. But top staff members will also be restricted from certain things on the management page like removing a staff. It is only the C.E.O that has access to do everything.
So customers will not have any access to the owner's section or webpages unless the staff members.
So is that understood and is it a good practice. Please I need your opinion.
Thank you