This is my news sample:
Hello I am title--->Title hello this is xyz xyx xyx xyx xyx xyx xhxxhx xuxx xuxnx xnxux xjxx........Read more --------------->news
I wanted to add Read More link.
string ShortDesc = Desc.Substring(0, 190) + "...";//Code to be added
Literal ltrDescription = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrDescription");
ltrDescription.Text = "<div class='desc'>" + ShortDesc + "</div>";
hperNews.NavigateUrl = "details_news.aspx?newsid=" + id.ToString() + "&title=" + hperNews.Text;
i am trying to add here the link as:
string ShortDesc = Desc.Substring(0, 190) + "<a href="details_news.aspx?newsid= " + id.ToString() + " & title = " + hperNews.Text;>...Read more</a>";
But its not working...