I want to make a MVC project.In this project i will want to use face recognition authentication system. Now how i will open a webcam by Emgu CV and detect a face using Emgu CV and save the detected face in database. I do not want to use javascript. Whole process i want to do by Emgu CV. How i will do? Please give me a instruction . Thank you.
Sir i do not use javascript for opening a webcam . I want to use Emgu CV.
Hi jishu,
Emgu.CV is an open source project. You can find it on sourceforce.com. They also have git repository here. You can clone it in your computer. This repository also includes sample projects in Emgu.CV.Example folder. However you can check the sample project called FaceDetection.
Refer below links.
Get a look at the example for face detection.
Hope this helps.
But sir, this code for desktop application. I am making a web application in asp.net mvc . In asp.net mvc image box control is not used. What will i use of the exchange of image box. Please suggest me.
private Capture _capture; _capture = new Capture(); imgCamUser.Image = _capture.QueryFrame(); How i will be implement above code in asp.net mvc?