I have a page (ViewClaim.aspx) and on button click i transfer two variables to another page (EditCaim.aspx). The query string is passed but when i try to retrieve the values in the new page (EditCaim.aspx) then it does not get anything:
This is what i am passing from my one page (ViewClaim.aspx)
Protected Sub btnEdit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
'Reference the Repeater Item using Button.
Dim item As RepeaterItem = TryCast((TryCast(sender, Button)).NamingContainer, RepeaterItem)
'Reference the Label and TextBox.
Dim ClaimID As String = (TryCast(item.FindControl("lblClaimID"), Label)).Text
Dim ClaimNo As String = (TryCast(item.FindControl("lblClaimNo"), Label)).Text
Dim Customer As String = (TryCast(item.FindControl("lblCustomer"), Label)).Text
Response.Redirect("EditClaim.aspx?ClaimID=" & ClaimID & "& ClaimNo=" + ClaimNo)
End Sub
I call the values from the Page Load of my page but the values returns nothing.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
txtClaimNo.Text = Request.QueryString("ClaimNo")
End If
End Sub