Hello again experts,
I built this page a couple of years ago and several of the form fields are mandatory and users could not get to the next screen until several of the form fields are completed.
Here is the link to the site:
It was tested with major browsers like IE, Firefox, google chrome and Microsoft Edge and validations were working then.
For some reason, now, it only works with IE which has since been deprecated.
Any ideas what could have broken?
My suspicion is that this is happening because the page uses SSL certification (https://...) but not sure how to resolve this.
Your usual assistance is greatly appreciated.
I truly apologize for the long code.
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rules: {
certsel: "required",
ssn1: "required",
ssn2: "required",
ssn3: "required",
fname: "required",
lname: "required",
email: {
required: true,
email: true
address: "required",
city: "required",
county: "required",
state: "required",
zip: "required",
birthmon: "required",
birthday: "required",
birthyr: "required",
ed: "required",
ref1name: "required",
ref1loc: "required",
ref1title: "required",
ref1area: "required",
ref1pre: "required",
ref1suff: "required",
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ref2loc: "required",
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ref3suff: "required",
convictions: "required",
txtCaptcha: "required",
nmon: "required",
nday: "required",
nyr: "required",
fullname: "required"
messages: {
//This section we need to place our custom validation message for each control.
certsel: "Please select the position for which you're applying.",
ssn1: "Please enter the first 3 digits of your Social Security Number.",
ssn2: "Please enter the 2 digits of your Social Security Number.",
ssn3: "Please enter the 4 digits of your Social Security Number.",
fname: "Please enter your first names.",
lname: "Please enter your last names.",
email: "Please enter your email address.",
address: "Please enter your Address in the space provided.",
city: "Please enter your city in the space provided.",
county: "Please enter your county in the space provided.",
state: "Please enter your state in the space provided.",
zip: "Please enter your zip code in the space provided.",
birthmon: "Please enter your birth month in the space provided.",
birthday: "Please enter your birth day in the space provided.",
birthyr: "Please enter your birth year in the space provided.",
ed: "Please enter your highest level of education or if you have a GED.",
ref1name: "Please enter name for refrence 1.",
ref1loc: "Please enter location for refrence 1.",
ref1title: "Please enter title for refrence 1.",
ref1area: "Please enter area code for refrence 1.",
ref1pre: "Please enter number for refrence 1.",
ref1suff: "Please enter suffix for refrence 1.",
ref2name: "Please enter name for refrence 2.",
ref2loc: "Please enter location for refrence 2.",
ref2title: "Please enter title for refrence 2.",
ref2area: "Please enter area code for refrence 2.",
ref2pre: "Please enter number for refrence 2.",
ref2suff: "Please enter suffix for refrence 2.",
ref3name: "Please enter name for refrence 3.",
ref3loc: "Please enter location for refrence 3.",
ref3title: "Please enter title for refrence 3.",
ref3area: "Please enter area code for refrence 3.",
ref3pre: "Please enter number for refrence 3.",
ref3suff: "Please enter suffix for refrence 3.",
convictions: "Please indicate whether you have had any convictions.",
txtCaptcha: "Please enter the code in the space provided.",
nmon: "Please enter today's month in the space provided.",
nday: "Please enter today's day in the space provided.",
nyr: "Please enter current year in the space provided.",
fullname: "Please enter today's date and your full name in the space provided."
$("#msform").submit(function (evt) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
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$(function () {
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if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
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if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
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if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
$('#nmon,#nday,#nyr').keyup(function (e) {
if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
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if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
$('#oarea,#opre,#osuff').keyup(function (e) {
if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
$('#birthmon,#birthday,#birthyr').keyup(function (e) {
if ($(this).val().length == $(this).attr('maxlength'))
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$(function () {
$('#btnSave').click(function (e) {
if ($('#<%=chkTerms.ClientID%>').prop('checked')) {
else {
$('#chkTerms').click(function () {
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
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