I used below thread's code for pages that when user select Item from megamenu it will go to other page and change linkbutton textcolor according to their selected Item from mega menu:
now when I select Item from megamenu in default.aspx it will go to software.aspx page and change linkbutton text's color(that is in datalist) like below image:
as you see this is software.aspx page
the text that I show with red arrow is my selected Item from megamenu...
now when I select other Item here(in software.aspx page) from menu that is right of page it doesn't chenge first selected Item it is like below:
see in above image red arrow is Item that select from mega menu now I click on other text that show with green arrow, it doesn't change first selected text's color I want when I click on other text here it return previous selected text's color to defautl like below:
how can I do it?
Best regards