in default.aspx page is datalist that I put label on it and bind it from databse:
<asp:Label ID="LblDes" runat="server" CssClass="lblse" Text='<%# this.processText(Eval("Description")) %>'>
protected string processText(object objText)
string text = objText.ToString();
Regex regex = new Regex("\\<[^\\>]*\\>");
return regex.Replace(text, string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(";", string.Empty);
in description column data are like:
<p>this is test</p><p><img alt="" src="/ckfinder/userfiles/images/1.jpg" style="height:80px; width:100px" /></p>
how I can change code that in label doesn't show image I mean in label I don't want put below line code:
<img alt="" src="/ckfinder/userfiles/images/1.jpg" style="height:80px; width:100px" />
Best Regards