Dear Mr. Dharmendra Das,
Validate Date in MaskedTextBox in VB.Net
Thanks for your answer.
and I see in your answer code there is no MaskedTextBox validation event ("how to validate date in maskedTextBox so that the user does not type outside the MaskTextBox format").
For example, I use the shortdate format in MaskedTextBox , if the user types only 2 digits, then here there is validation that must be typed until it matches the shortdate format
should be MaskedTextBox1 instead of MaskedTextBoxInvoDate. Because MaskedTextBoxInvoDate is used as a filter.
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(MaskedTextBox1.Text.Replace("-", "").Trim()) Then
_criteriasBindingList.Item(i).InvoDate = CDate(MaskedTextBox1.Text)
End If