I hv tow table first asr having two attribute id and name
create table asr(
id int,
name varchar(30)
2nd table asr1 also having same attributes as shown below but id is in varchar..
create table asr1(
id varchar(30),
name varchar(30)
i hv split function which split string on the basis of any characther.....i m trying to split on the basis of ',' for which i use qurry like this:
SELECT @name =id FROM asr1
select a.name from asr a where convert(varchar,a.id) in
(select data from dbo.split (@name, ','))
But this querry split only last row as @name saves value of last row not all the rows.
how should i save result of all row in @name so that all 'name' of asr would display in o/p which satisfies the condition