I have written a script to check all check boxes in a grid view, I would like to apply this script for child grid view grdchild how can i add this script
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkAllBoxes() {
//get total number of rows in the gridview and do whatever
//you want with it..just grabbing it just cause
var totalChkBoxes = parseInt('<%= this.grdchild.Rows.Count %>');
var gvControl = document.getElementById('<%= this.grdchild.ClientID %>');
//this is the checkbox in the item template...this has to be the same name as the ID of it
var gvChkBoxControl = "chkBoxChild";
//this is the checkbox in the header template
var mainChkBox = document.getElementById("chkBoxAll");
//get an array of input types in the gridview
var inputTypes = gvControl.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < inputTypes.length; i++) {
//if the input type is a checkbox and the id of it is what we set above
//then check or uncheck according to the main checkbox in the header template
if (inputTypes[i].type == 'checkbox' && inputTypes[i].id.indexOf(gvChkBoxControl, 0) >= 0)
inputTypes[i].checked = mainChkBox.checked;