Que. I hv a table around 2 crore of record , its attribute is shown below :
Column Name Data Type Allow Null
MUDID int Unchecked
MUDWebSiteID int Checked
MUDSessionID nvarchar(100) Checked
MUDDate datetime Checked
MUDMemIP nvarchar(30) Checked
MUDMemID int Checked
MUDURL nvarchar(500) Checked
MUDVDType char(10) Checked
referrer varchar(MAX) Checked
where mudid is identity(1,1) and this table hv non clustered index on muddate and
MUDMemID...The querry which i execute is
SELECT MUDDate,MUDMemIP,'XYZ' as Username,MUDURL,MUDVDType FROM tblMemUsageDet
WHERE MUDMemID='15245' and MUDDate between ' 2012-01-1 ' and '2012-10-25' order by MUDDate;
This querry consume lot's of time, is there any way to reduce the execution time of this querry.
Thank's in advance