i am calling sum from table into label below is code c#
I have one label lbduty.Text and second textbox is txttexamount.Text
if have have 5000 in lbduty.Text which called from table then i add 777 from textbox then it display (7775000) means that values is not getting sum into lbduty.Text
i used below for sum
Decimal a, b, c;
//txttamt.Text = (Decimal.TryParse(txtrate.Text,out a ) * Decimal.TryParse(txtCno.Text,out b));
bool isAValid = Decimal.TryParse(lblimit.Text, out a);
bool isBValid = Decimal.TryParse(lbduty.Text, out b);
bool isCValid = Decimal.TryParse(txttexamount.Text, out c);
if (isAValid && isBValid && isCValid)
lbduty.Text = ((txttexamount.Text) + b).ToString();
lbremain.Text = "Invalid input";